“Renewed Mind, Renewed Service” ( 2025-01-19 )
講員 Speaker: Pastor Andy Tse, English Sermons 系列 series
Please feel free to download the bulletin PDF or use another cell phone to read the sermon outline, news and prayer items.
“Renewed Mind, Renewed Service”
Sermon outline:
- Thinking Right
- Doing Right
News & Events:
- Faith Foundation Course will take place 11:15—12:30 this week at PCA Cafetorium, Mandatory for those currently serving or will serve in near future, but welcome all Gr 6 to adults, Christians or non-Christian, to sit in if interested. More details can be found here: https://forms.gle/T3nHdYPKuukAL8MM8
- Lunar New Year is just round the corner. PGC is pleased to receive some “Fai Chun”
(揮春) from SOBEM. Please feel free to pick up from Reception Table while stock lasts for your own use or to give out to bless others. May brothers and sisters have a blessed Lunar New Year overflown with God’s grace and mercies. - PGC 2025 Calendar is now available. Please feel free to scan the QR code, or obtain a hard copy from Reception Desk for review.
- Thanks God for increasing attendance in different congregations of our PGC Sunday Service, and parking spaces in PCA has been reaching its capacity. “With permission from the Management Office of 180 Renfrew Drive, we can now park in their carpark even on regular Sunday. We encourage young brothers and sisters to consider parking over there, or along Renfrew Drive, so that parking spaces in PCA could better serve families with children and the elderly. We appreciate your attention and cooperation.
- PGC Summer Camp 2025 are thankfully underway! Please pray for God's leading and blessing in recruiting youth team for summer mission together! There are some changes in camp youth size and recruitment, all the information and Q&A are posted online. One new endeavor is that we will organize a youth fellowship camp week for youth who are currently in Gr. 5-8 for friendship, bonding and spiritual growth. All applications and registration will open on Jan 29th. https://peoplesgospelchurch.org/summercamp/
- PGC needs faithful response from brothers and sisters to God by making
offerings to provide for PGC’s financial needs. Please choose any one below that suits you best:PAD Automatic Deposit email completed form to offering@peoplesgospelchurch.org PGC Online Offering https://pushpay.com/g/peoplesgospelchurch Cash/Cheque Offering physical drop-off in donation box (at PCA Big Gym) For details: PGCmarkham.org/offering-en/
Prayer & Praise Items:
** Encourage use of PGC’s Prayer Card and be quiet, humble, turn back, seek and wait for God together (https://peoplesgospelchurch.org/files/2023prayercard.pdf) **
- Pray for the wildfire at Los Angeles. May God stop it from further spread and lead all rescue works. Pray for those who lost their lives, families and properties. May God grant comfort to the lost souls, and help the suffering ones who need daily and financial supports.
- Pray for the world in 2025 to have peace and God will end the ongoing armed conflicts with granting of peace and hope.
- Pray for Vika’s grandmother who has been diagnosed with stage 3 skin Cancer. May God heal her, and provide for her treatment.
- Pray for PGC’s direction and ministry plans for 2025. Pray that God will lead us to carry out all ministries with a united heart and achieve a healthy development of our church with God’s presence.
- Pray for God’s provision for summer camp 2025: serving youth, camp venue and funding.
“Bring the whole tithe into the storehouse, that there may be food in my house. Test me in this,” says the Lord Almighty, “and see if I will not throw open the floodgates of heaven and pour out so much blessing that there will not be room enough to store it.”
- Malachi 3:10 (NIV)
PGC needs sufficient funds to provide for the needs of our different ministries. Let’s respond to God’s love through our faithful and generous offering: PGCmarkham.org/offering-en/
Welcome your opinions and suggestions that help us improve further on Sunday Service, Sunday School and different ministries. Drop them into our PGC Drop Box (for Offering & Opinions Collection) at PCA Big Gym. Our pastoral staff and church leaders will review and follow up where appropriate. Look forward to hearing from you.