“Gospel Motivation” ( 2025-03-23 )
講員 Speaker: Pastor Andy Tse, English Sermons 系列 series
Please feel free to download the bulletin PDF or use another cell phone to read the sermon outline, news and prayer items.
Sermon Notes:
- Growth in Character
- Growth in Knowledge
- Growth in Competency
- Growth in Obedience
News & Events:
- Peoples Gospel Church is embarking on the mission to plant our church site in the near future at 5172 Major Mackenzie Dr. E., Markham in God’s timing.
As a member of our church family, please prayerfully consider supporting this mission by pledging an amount out of faith towards the Building Fund. During the next 40 days up to Easter (April 20, 2025), please pray as a family for the building project, and about how much you wish to pledge this year as an offering towards the building fund. Thank you for your prayer and sacrificial pledge, we aim to collect this offering by Easter 2026!
- Welcome to invite your family and friends to join PGC Good Friday and Easter Sunday Services at PCA and commemorate our Lord Jesus Christ together:
- Good Friday Service – 4/18 (Fri) 4:00-5:30pm
Cantonese, English & Children Ministries will be holding a memorial Good Friday Service at the same time, in the small gym (Cantonese) and the Nest (English & Children). Let us solemnly worship our Lord who gave his life as an atoning sacrifice for us on the Cross so many years ago.
(*Nursery service available) - Joint Easter Sunday Service – 4/20 (Sun)
*10:00—10:25am Light Refreshment
*10:30am—12:30pm “Worship the Sacrificial Lamb and the Victorious
Risen Lord” Joint Easter Service (*NO PGCKIDS & Nursery services)
- Good Friday Service – 4/18 (Fri) 4:00-5:30pm
- English Prayer Meeting will take place 11:15—12:30 after service today at Cafetorium. Please join and pray together for each other and for our church.
- Praise God for PGC’s intergenerational worship vision, all parents and children will join worship together in regular English worship time next Sunday (3/30) 09:30-10:45. We encourage all parents to bring and sit with their children before 9:30am in the nest. There will be regular children Sunday school after English worship. Regular Nursery ministry will also be provided. If parents cannot join with their children for this worship, you must sign in your children before 09:30 at children’s sign in table so that we can assign adults to sit with your children. Please scan the QR code for details from the flyer.
- The 3rd PGC Parents Fellowship will take place on 4/4 (Fri) night 7:15 to 9:15pm at Milliken Gospel Church (8 Elson St, Markham), with the theme “Finding time for one another in seasons of busyness - Deepen and strengthen our relationship with God & our spouses while raising kids”. There will be children program (2.5 yrs to Gr 5) and Crossroads fellowship happening at the same time. Welcome all parents with children aged 18 yrs or below to join. Please register on or before 3/28 esp. for your kids and youths: https://forms.gle/FrMAtg1YbHxjtVvx5
- Executive Board has approved 3 applicants to become PGC Members. If you disagree, please submit written disagreement to Deacon Cecil Mar of Membership Committee by 3/30. They are: (1) Katherine Kit Ping Lee (Bethel), (2) David Tze Wor Lam (Hingstone) and (3) Sarah Sum-Yin Wong (Hingstone).
- During this Lent period, congregants are encouraged to make use of the following resources and materials to reflect on Jesus’ death and victorious resurrection and get ourselves prepared for Easter:
* English Lent Devotional (https://peoplesgospelchurch.org/lent-2025/)
* Family Devotional Campaign for Lent (https://peoplesgospelchurch.org/pgc-kids/) - Please note that, if you had yet to pick up in past 2 weeks, the remaining 2024 Donation Receipts were mailed out last Monday . For enquiry, please email to offering@peoplesgospelchurch.org.
Prayer & Praise Items:
** Encourage use of PGC’s Prayer Card and be quiet, humble, turn back, seek and wait for God together (https://peoplesgospelchurch.org/files/2023prayercard.pdf) **
- Pray for peace in the world, that God might end ongoing armed conflicts, and that political and economic disputes between states will be settled soon.
- Pray for Vika’s grandmother who has been diagnosed with stage 3 skin Cancer and is undergoing treatment now. May God heal her, and continue to provide for her treatment.
- Pray for PGC’s church building plan and seek for God’s guidance to move you in offering pledge willingly with faith to support the church building ministry.
- Praise God for His provision on the camp venue. Continue to pray for summer camp: for servant hearts among our youth and provision for the necessary funding.
“Bring the whole tithe into the storehouse, that there may be food in my house. Test me in this,” says the Lord Almighty, “and see if I will not throw open the floodgates of heaven and pour out so much blessing that there will not be room enough to store it.”
- Malachi 3:10 (NIV)
PGC needs sufficient funds to provide for the needs of our different ministries. Let’s respond to God’s love through our faithful and generous offering.
PAD Automatic Deposit | email completed form to offering@peoplesgospelchurch.org |
PGC Online Offering | https://pushpay.com/g/peoplesgospelchurch |
Cash/Cheque Offering | physical drop-off in donation box (at PCA Big Gym) |
For details: PGCmarkham.org/offering-en/ |
Welcome your opinions and suggestions that help us improve further on Sunday Service, Sunday School and different ministries. Drop them into our PGC Drop Box (for Offering & Opinions Collection) at PCA Big Gym. Our pastoral staff and church leaders will review and follow up where appropriate. Look forward to hearing from you.