“Being a disciple of Jesus” ( 2025-02-16 )
講員 Speaker: Pastor Iain Davis, English Sermons 系列 series
Please feel free to download the bulletin PDF or use another cell phone to read the sermon outline, news and prayer items.
Sermon outline:
- Being a disciple of Jesus is a work of God in our life
- Being a disciple of Jesus changes us from being blind, to being able to see
- Being a disciple of Jesus becomes our identity not a status to earn
News & Events:
- Thanks God for leading PGC in the past 20 years since our establishment. To celebrate our 20th Anniversary, PGC has scheduled on Jun 1st the following 2 programs:
• Anniversary Sunday Service (10:30 – 12:15) at PCA Nest (Big Gym)
• Anniversary Luncheon (12:45) at Golden Palace Banquet Hall
Tickets will be sold @$35pp (free for under 10yrs old). Please reach out to Mrs Connie Sung for details and enquiries, and your cell group leaders for reservation.Cordially invite you to join us in praising the Lord for His grace and mercies and celebrating together this remarkable milestone of PGC.
- A total of 65 members of English congregation, comprising 56 youths and 9 supporting adults, have gone for the Youth Retreat at Camp Shalom Cambridge during this Family Day long weekend since last Friday. Please pray for their safe trip back and that all participating youths will grow in their love, knowledge, and faith in Christ.
- Due to retreat, English will have Spiritual Formation today 11:15-12:30 at PCA Cafetorium instead. Faith Foundation Course will be suspended for this week and resumed on Mar/2.
- Government of Canada has extended the deadline for 2024 charitable donations to Feb/28, 2025. Such extension aims to give charity organizations more time to receive and process donations, thus reduce the impact caused by the Canada Post strike happened last December. Donors can claim the eligible amount of their donations on their 2024 personal income tax return. Please note, accordingly, PGC will have 2024 donation receipts available for distribution after mid March.
- Praise the Lord for His indescribable gifts for our church’s next generation through summer camp every year in the past! We are grateful that children’s camp registration is already full, and we are excitingly planning and hopeful for a full house for Gr 5-8 fellowship camp where lasting, strong and godly friendships will be made! Please pray, register and invite friends to taste the goodness of God and develop strong godly friendships. We also need to pray earnestly for youth team recruitment, and the confirmation of a venue. Let’s continue to pray together.
- Let's respond to God's love through our faithful and generous offering, returning to Him our first fruits, from what He has blessed us with. This is an act of worship! Please choose any from below that fits you best.
PAD Automatic Deposit | email completed form to offering@peoplesgospelchurch.org |
PGC Online Offering | https://pushpay.com/g/peoplesgospelchurch |
Cash/Cheque Offering | physical drop-off in donation box (at PCA Big Gym) |
For details: PGCmarkham.org/offering-en/ |
Prayer & Praise Items:
** Encourage use of PGC’s Prayer Card and be quiet, humble, turn back, seek and wait for God together (https://peoplesgospelchurch.org/files/2023prayercard.pdf) **
- Pray for the world to have peace and God will end the ongoing armed conflicts with granting of peace and hope. Pray that the political and economic disputes between states will be settled soon.
- Pray for the upcoming Ontario election on Feb/27 and the federal election at the end of the year, that God will lead to the election of the right candidate to serve for the sake of the people.
- Pray for God’s peace and comfort to Daniel’s family as Daniel’s grandmother recently went to be with the Lord.
- Pray for Vika’s grandmother who has been diagnosed with stage 3 skin Cancer. May God heal her, and provide for her treatment.
- Pray for the Youth Retreat that all participating youths, adults and pastors will have memorable time and strengthened bonding in Christ.
- Pray for God’s leading of our whole church to carry out all ministries in one united heart and achieve a healthy development of our church with God’s presence. Pray also for the development of PGC’s land in the best time in God’s plan.
- Pray for God’s provision for summer camp 2025: serving youth, camp venue and funding.
“Bring the whole tithe into the storehouse, that there may be food in my house. Test me in this,” says the Lord Almighty, “and see if I will not throw open the floodgates of heaven and pour out so much blessing that there will not be room enough to store it.”
- Malachi 3:10 (NIV)
PGC needs sufficient funds to provide for the needs of our different ministries. Let’s respond to God’s love through our faithful and generous offering: PGCmarkham.org/offering-en/
Welcome your opinions and suggestions that help us improve further on Sunday Service, Sunday School and different ministries. Drop them into our PGC Drop Box (for Offering & Opinions Collection) at PCA Big Gym. Our pastoral staff and church leaders will review and follow up where appropriate. Look forward to hearing from you.