“Having the Mind of Christ” ( 2025-03-09 )
講員 Speaker: Pastor Iain Davis, English Sermons 系列 series
Please feel free to download the bulletin PDF or use another cell phone to read the sermon outline, news and prayer items.
Sermon Notes:
- Paul calls for unity in the church
- Pleasing others is the antidote to selfishness
- Jesus’ sought to please the father by serving others
News & Events:
- PGC Good Friday and Easter Sunday Services will continue to take place at PCA this year. Please invite family and friends to join and commemorate our Lord Jesus Christ together:Good Friday Service – 4/18 (Fri) 4:00-5:30pm
Cantonese, English & Children Ministries will be holding a memorial Good Friday Service at the same time, in the small gym (Cantonese) and the Nest (English & Children). Invite you to join with us to solemnly worship our Lord who gave his life as an atoning sacrifice for us on the Cross so many years ago. (*Nursery service available)Joint Easter Sunday Service – 4/20 (Sun)
*10:00—10:25am Light Refreshment
*10:30am—12:30pm “Worship the Sacrificial Lamb and the Victorious Risen Lord” Joint Easter Service (*NO PGCKIDS & Nursery services) - All are welcome to join the English Fellowship Connection today 11:15-12:30 after the service at PCA Cafetorium. Feel free to bring your own food and join with us. HS Girls Gathering will be rescheduled to 3/30 for this month.
- Parents devotional workshop for children 0-5yrs will be held TODAY 11:15-12:30 in Room 307. Pastor Connie will share tips and resources to empower parents to build a godly habit at home. Feel free to join if you are interested.
- PGC 20th Anniversary Sunday Service and Luncheon will take place on 6/1. Cordially invite you to join us in praising the Lord for His grace and mercies and celebrating together. The Luncheon at Golden Palace Banquet Hall has tickets sold @$35pp (free for under 10yrs old). Please reserve seats with your cell leaders or Iris Chu (email: chuiris@yahoo.ca). For those not joining any cell, please make reservation at the Reception Table after service. Deadline of reservation will be on 3/16 (coming Sun). We appreciate in advance for your understanding if your request cannot be accommodated due to limited capacity at the venue.
- Ash Wednesday on 3/5 started the 40-day season of Lent this year. PGC English has prepared the Lent Devotional (https://peoplesgospelchurch.org/lent-2025/) to help us reflect on Jesus during this season of anticipation for his death and victorious resurrection. Invite you to join together in journeying through Christ's earthly ministry as a congregation, no matter you decide to fast or not. Let us get ourselves prepared and be full of hope on Easter Day.
- 2025 Family Devotional Campaign for Lent has been launched from 3/5 - 4/20. There are two sets of materials to bless parents, one for ages 0 - 6 and another for ages 6 - 11. These materials will empower parents and children for a journey towards Jesus: contemplating His great love through His teaching, suffering and salvation, with reminders and encouragement to love God and show love to our neighbors. Started last Sunday each child could collect one devotional bunny “Hope” a progress chart, and devotional materials from the nursery sign in or Sunday school teachers. There will be a pizza party on 4/27, and those who complete more than 80% of the activities will receive a small gift.
- Praise the Lord for His amazing providence for summer camp every year! New venue will be at Markham Chinese Baptist Church (Woodbine & Rodick). Let’s rejoice and praise God’s loving purpose every year for the next generation’s ministry. Please continue to pray for youth team recruitment & youth fellowship camp, where we are now arranging for Thursday night sleepover! May the Spirit shower PGC with spiritual breakthrough and growth in the gospel of Jesus.
- Please note that PGC 2024 donation receipts will be distributed after mid March.
Prayer & Praise Items:
** Encourage use of PGC’s Prayer Card and be quiet, humble, turn back, seek and wait for God together (https://peoplesgospelchurch.org/files/2023prayercard.pdf) **
- Pray for peace in the world, that God might end ongoing armed conflicts, and that political and economic disputes between states will be settled soon.
- Pray for God's healing hands to be on our congregation, for any who are sick or in hospital, and He would also provide comfort to their families.
- Pray for Vika’s grandmother who has been diagnosed with stage 3 skin Cancer and is undergoing treatment now. May God heal her, and continue to provide for her treatment.
- Pray for God’s leading over our whole church, for united hearts, that we might grow in our faith, and that sinners might be convicted of their need for Jesus. Pray also for the development of PGC’s land according to God’s plan.
- Praise God for His provision on the camp venue. Continue to pray for summer camp: for servant hearts among our youth and provision for the necessary funding.
“Bring the whole tithe into the storehouse, that there may be food in my house. Test me in this,” says the Lord Almighty, “and see if I will not throw open the floodgates of heaven and pour out so much blessing that there will not be room enough to store it.”
- Malachi 3:10 (NIV)
PGC needs sufficient funds to provide for the needs of our different ministries. Let’s respond to God’s love through our faithful and generous offering.
PAD Automatic Deposit | email completed form to offering@peoplesgospelchurch.org |
PGC Online Offering | https://pushpay.com/g/peoplesgospelchurch |
Cash/Cheque Offering | physical drop-off in donation box (at PCA Big Gym) |
For details: PGCmarkham.org/offering-en/ |
Welcome your opinions and suggestions that help us improve further on Sunday Service, Sunday School and different ministries. Drop them into our PGC Drop Box (for Offering & Opinions Collection) at PCA Big Gym. Our pastoral staff and church leaders will review and follow up where appropriate. Look forward to hearing from you.