"Listening to God" Devotional

260 Bible Reading & Devotion: March 12, 2019 1Samuel 11

Read chapter in full: www.biblegateway.com/passage/?version=ESV&search=1Samuel+011 Chapter Eleven (ESV)   11 And the next day Saul put the people in three companies. And they came into the midst of the camp in the morning watch and struck down the Ammonites until the heat of the day. And those who survived were scattered, so that no two […]



全章经文: www.biblegateway.com/passage/?search=1Samuel+010&version=CUVS   第十章(圣经和合本)   1撒母耳拿瓶膏油倒在扫罗的头上,与他亲嘴,说:「这不是耶和华膏你作他产业的君吗? 6 耶和华的灵必大大感动你,你就与他们一同受感说话;你要变为新人。 17 撒母耳将百姓招聚到米斯巴耶和华那里, 18 对他们说:「耶和华─以色列的神如此说:『我领你们以色列人出埃及,救你们脱离埃及人的手,又救你们脱离欺压你们各国之人的手。』 19 你们今日却厌弃了救你们脱离一切灾难的神,说:『求你立一个王治理我们。』现在你们应当按着支派、宗族都站在耶和华面前。」20 於是,撒母耳使以色列众支派近前来掣签,就掣出便雅悯支派来; 21 又使便雅悯支派按着宗族近前来,就掣出玛特利族,从其中又掣出基士的儿子扫罗。众人寻找他却寻不着, 22就问耶和华说:「那人到这里来了没有?」耶和华说:「他藏在器具中了。」 23 众人就跑去从那里领出他来。他站在百姓中间,身体比众民高过一头。 24 撒母耳对众民说:「你们看耶和华所拣选的人,众民中有可比他的吗?」众民就大声欢呼说:「愿王万岁!」   默想:   扫罗实际被立为王,是他和撒母耳两人私底下单独进行的,仪式包括膏油,代表神的灵,倒在扫罗的头上;以及祭司的亲嘴,表示神的祝福。圣经中,膏油在某人头上,表示那人是被特别选出,作领导的工作。先知和祭司都是如此按立,但这个仪式主要是与立王有关,因此王常被称为“神的受膏者”。17节,撒母耳又召集百姓,公开让他们知道耶和华的选择,并说明君王的职分。 18节,耶和华透过撒母耳向百姓强调,在他们的历史中,祂一直是他们的拯救者。祂带领他们出埃及,且在士师时代救他们脱离所有的敌人。虽然有时士师们亦被称为以色列的拯救者,但这不过是广义的说法,因他们是耶和华施行拯救的工具,是耶和华差遣他们。 在我过去的经验中,神曾经救我脱离什麽“苦难”?这件事如何影响我与神的关系?   祷告:   “耶和华,我的力量啊,我爱祢!耶和华是我的岩石,我的山寨,我的救主,我的神,我的磐石,我所投靠的。他是我的盾牌,是拯救我的角,是我的高台。(参:诗18:1-2)”   诗歌 「主是我力量」 – www.youtube.com/watch?v=T5O3mXXACbc  

"Listening to God" Devotional

260 Bible Reading & Devotion: March 11, 2019 1Samuel 10

Read chapter in full: www.biblegateway.com/passage/?version=ESV&search=1Samuel+010 Chapter Ten (ESV)   10 Then Samuel took a flask of oil and poured it on his head and kissed him and said, “Has not the Lord anointed you to be prince over his people Israel? And you shall reign over the people of the Lord and you will save […]

"Listening to God" Devotional

260 Bible Reading & Devotion: November 9, 2018 Joshua 5

Read chapter in full: www.biblegateway.com/passage/?version=ESV&search=Joshua+005   Joshua Chapter 5 (ESV)   First Passover in Canaan 10 While the people of Israel were encamped at Gilgal, they kept the Passover on the fourteenth day of the month in the evening on the plains of Jericho. 11 And the day after the Passover, on that very day, they ate of the […]

"Listening to God" Devotional

260 Bible Reading & Devotion: November 8, 2018 Joshua 4

Read chapter in full: www.biblegateway.com/passage/?version=ESV&search=Joshua+004   Joshua Chapter 4 (ESV)   8 And the people of Israel did just as Joshua commanded and took up twelve stones out of the midst of the Jordan, according to the number of the tribes of the people of Israel, just as the Lord told Joshua. And they carried them over with […]