“What does a Christian look like?” ( 2023-05-21 )

講員 Speaker: Pastor Curtis Lai, Bridge English Service G6-8 系列 series


Peoples Gospel Church (PGC) Sunday service is held at Peoples Christian Academy (PCA) Christian School. Welcome you to join our Sunday Worship and cell group activities.

Jr English in-person service starts with Joint Worship with English at PCA Small Gym, then Jr English will continue on separate sermon messages, responses and dismissal at PCA Room 307.

Families are encouraged to worship together as we sing, read, hear, and live the word together!

“What does a Christian look like?”

SPEAKER: Pastor Curtis Lai


In our world today, the term 'Christian' can look very different from one example to the next. But how does Jesus Himself define what a Christian is? As we answer this question from God's Word, we're given a beautiful portrait of not only what a disciple looks like, but why the cost of discipleship is worth it.

Sermon Notes:

  1. What does a Christian look like?
  2. “Deny Yourself”: Prioritizes Jesus.
  3. “Take up your cross daily”: Perseveres in faith.
  4. “Follow Him”: Pursues Jesus with head, heart, hands.
  5. What does a Christian not look like?
  6. Easy Believism
  7. Selective Obedience
  8. Why is being a Christian worth it?
  9. Salvation and Participation in the Kingdom of God

Discussion Questions:

  1. Has your understanding of being a ‘Christian’ or ‘Disciple’ changed in any way from today’s message?
  2. Which of Jesus’ commands for discipleship do you find the most challenging (deny yourself, take up your cross daily, follow me)? Why?
  3. What’s one practical step you can take to live out God’s Word and grow as a disciple of Christ?