God of Mysteries ( 2020-10-25 )
講員 Speaker: Rev. Louis Leung, English Sermons 系列 series
Online Worship Tips:
- As you watch the videos, you can download the bulletin PDF or use another cell phone to read the sermon outline, news and prayer items.
- YouTube playlist: https://www.youtube.com/playlist?list=PLLNVmzsXrM98UFmqTau_Lx1CpLGYxxgth
God of Mysteries
SCRIPTURE: Daniel 2: 24-30
- Reacting in mysteries: we love a mystery... but we're no Sherlock Holmes
- Responding to mysteries: never alone
- Reassuring through mysteries: "what will happen in days to come"
- Next Sunday, November 1st, is the start of Daylight Saving for Fall, please be reminded to turn the clock back by an hour on Saturday night, October 31st.
- Nov 1, next Sunday is Holy Communion Sunday Service. For b/s who will partake in HC, please prepare bread and cups at home in advance.
- October is Appreciation month for pastoral staff and cell leaders. Encourage brothers and sisters to initiate their zone and cell members to recognise and appreciate their zone Pastor and leaders for their dedication and commitment.
- We have started a new small group for PGC high school girls, we hope to build a strong community between the girls, grow together and strengthen our relationship and intimacy with God. The meeting will be held on Zoom, encourage you to join and walk the journey of faith together.
- Teen Conference is seeking volunteer for various positions, encourage grade 10 and up to join and serve in the ministry. TC volunteering application available at
below link: https://www.afccanada.org/tc-volunteer
Prayer Items
- As we are in the midst of the second wave of the outbreak, we ask God to give us faith and strength to get through this difficult time together. Pray for God's protection and healing for those who are sick, and the development of a suitable vaccine.
Praise Items
- Praise God for giving our leaders wisdom and serving hearts to shepherd the young generation, support b/s with healthy development and grow in Christ. Give Thanks to our leaders and our Pastoral team.