En Garde ( 2020-08-16 )
講員 Speaker: Pastor Iain Davis, English Sermons 系列 series
Online Worship Tips:
- As you watch the videos, you can download the bulletin PDF or use another cell phone to read the sermon outline, news and prayer items.
- YouTube playlist: https://www.youtube.com/playlist?list=PLLNVmzsXrM9-1-4272akinHe2ajVZACce
En Garde
Scripture : Jude 1:1-16
- It’s not enough to claim to be with Christ, does it show in how we live?
- The difference between Godly, and Ungodly teaching: Who is glorified?
News & Events
- Ambassadors for Christ is hosting an online event “NeXus” on August 23, 2020, 3-4:30pm via Zoom Meeting. This event is for Grade 9s who will be attending High Schools in September 2020, to get information about the Christian fellowship at their school, where students gather to grow in their faith and be a witness to their school campus together. Any inquiries about NeXus, please email nexus@afccanada.org .
- If you are interested in participating the online voting for “PGC Nil Distancing video sharing”, please submit your video by the 8/23 deadline. Online voting will run from 8/30 to 9/6, and results will be announced during the period between 9/13-20. Visit the " PGC Nil Distancing video sharing " YouTube channel: http://pgc260.com/nil .
- “PGC Nil Distancing video sharing " campaign is not limited to the online voting event. You are welcome to continue to actively participate in video-sharing of personal and your cell group activities. This is a platform to keep us connected until PGC resume our physical worship and cell gathering.
- PGC welcome the following 7 brothers and sisters to become Membership of PGC, join PGC as your spiritual home, participate in future development of the church’s ministry, and support PGC to grow and prosper! They are:
Bethel (2): TSUI, Tommy ; YEUNG, Florence .
IGC (1): TO, Kar Yee Connie.
HingStone (4): KAAN, Timothy Kay Yeung; LEUNG, Man Ching (Judy); CHAN, Carol Ka Yee; LAU, Carrol.
Prayer Items
- Pray for the leaders and teachers to shepherd & lead the young generation to learn God’s words and with the hearts to worship and to grow in the Lord.
Praise Items
- Praise for the official launch of the InterGen (G.6-8) in the new school year, to build strong fellowship together.