The Gospel Advances ( 2020-04-26 )
講員 Speaker: Pastor Iain Davis, English Sermons 系列 series
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- As you watch the videos, you can download the bulletin PDF or use another cell phone to read the sermon outline, news and prayer items.
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Title: The Gospel Advances
Scripture : Philippians 1:13-14
1. God takes setbacks and turns them into opportunities for ministry.
2. Enduring suffering for Christ gives others strength.
3. How does this affect my life?
What difference does this text make?
- Thanks to brothers and sisters for praying for the PCA move to seek God's guidance. The motion was approved by PGC Members through the online vote from April 13- 19. May God grant wisdom to PGC and PCA leaders to move forward with the decision.
- Next Sunday 5/3 is Holy Communion Sunday Service. For brothers and sisters who will partake in HC, please prepare bread and cups at home in advance. Pastor Iain will lead everyone online to receive HC in memory of the Lord Jesus.
- Because of the pandemic, PGC could not accept cash and cheque offering from brothers and sisters. The church income is mainly from Pre-authorized Debits (PAD) offering. PGC now accept online offering via Pushpay which allows brothers and sisters to use credit card for offering. For details, please refer to the following website: May God accept our faithful offering.
- Pray for the frontline medical staff and community workers that God will protect them and keep them healthy and give them peace.
- Pray for the needy and helpless groups, and the unemployed in the community for their urgent needs. May God grant them assistance through this difficult times.
- Pray for our Missionaries serving at distant poverty areas, may the Lord to protect and heal them during the epidemic.
- Praise God for the stability and progress of Audrey's condition and rehabilitation, ask God to comfort her and give her strength when lonely and weak.
- We are grateful that Mrs. Ma has recently been transferred to a Healthcare centre and she can slowly consume some solid food, Pray for her adaptation to the new environment and care
from medical staff.