“From Suffering to Glory: Seeing God's Purpose in Our Pain” ( 2024-10-06 )

講員 Speaker: Rev. Dany Soto, English Sermons 系列 series


Please feel free to download the bulletin PDF or use another cell phone to read the sermon outline, news and prayer items.

“From Suffering to Glory:
Seeing God's Purpose in Our Pain”



Sermon Notes:

  • God's Control Over Our Suffering


  • Living with an Eternal Perspective


  • Dependence on God's Grace



Discussion Questions:

  1. How does understanding that God sets limits on our suffering change the way we view our trials?
  2. What does it mean to "fix our eyes on what is unseen"? How can we practically do this when we are struggling?
  3. In what ways have you experienced God’s sustaining presence during times of difficulty?
  4. How can remembering the temporary nature of suffering help us find hope during painful seasons?
  5. How can we support and comfort others who are suffering without trivializing their pain?



News & Events:

  • Discussion Group, HS girls gathering and Gr 6-8 Sunday School will take place today 11:15-12:30 at Cafetorium, Rm307 & 308 respectively. Please join where appropriate.
  • October is Appreciation Month for pastoral staff and cell leaders. Encourage brothers and sisters to recognise and appreciate their Pastors, church leaders and cell leaders for their dedication and commitment.
  • Thank you for those who participated in PGC Fire Drill last week to get familiar with the emergency operation. Invite your kind completion of an online questionnaire (https://forms.gle/XWTtmJcgwkQeNpFP9) by 10/13 and give us your feedback for future planning and improvements.  We’ll debrief on the drill performance and feedbacks received in due course.
  • There will be NO CrossRoads on 10/11 (coming Friday) due to Thanksgiving long weekend. CrossRoads will resume on 10/18.
  • PGC Parents fellowship will come again on 11/1 Friday night 7:15 to 9:15pm. Our theme is “Stay close and connected together - in a digitally distracted and spiritually disconnected era”.  Praise God for providing a venue at Milliken Gospel Church for us where children program (2.5 years to Gr 5) and Crossroads fellowship can happen at the same time.  Welcome everyone to  register on or before 10/25: https://forms.gle/yQLSMeZzGMgQ6Dwk7
  • “Nothing More. Nothing Less. Nothing Else.” - IDMC 2024 Conference will be held online on 10/18-19 (Fri-Sat) with Rev. Edmund Chan speaking in English (dubbed in Cantonese & Mandarin). Online fee is $60/per with $10 discount available for church group registration of 10+ people. To encourage participation of brothers and sisters, PGC will subsidize half of the fee, i.e. applicants pay only $25 to participate. Please contact Mabel for registration (admin@pgcmail.org). Details: https://cccowe.ca/idmc2024-eng/
  • PGC needs sufficient funds to provide for the needs of our different ministries. Let’s respond to God’s love through our faithful and generous offering.



Prayer & Praise Items:

** Encourage use of PGC’s Prayer Card and be quiet, humble, turn back, seek and wait for God together (https://peoplesgospelchurch.org/files/2023prayercard.pdf) **

  • Pray for God’s sovereignty and mercy over the world now in political instability, and people in many places suffering from natural disasters.
  • Pray for teens & parents participating in Launch into Teen Years las week. May the Lord bless the two generations gained from a fruitful and joyful learning together and the teens continue to grow up in God's holiness.
  • Pray for the Compassion Experience Tour setting off next week (10/8-15) to Dominican Republic to have enjoyable travelling and also learn about Compassion DR’s works and visit the children we sponsor there.
  • Pray for our missionary Misa who has been sick recently. May God heal her to get well soon.  Pray for our other overseas missionaries that God will keep them safe with good health, and strengthen their ministries in sharing gospel.



Bring the whole tithe into the storehouse, that there may be food in my house. Test me in this,” says the Lord Almighty, “and see if I will not throw open the floodgates of heaven and pour out so much blessing that there will not be room enough to store it.”

- Malachi 3:10 (NIV)

PGC needs sufficient funds to provide for the needs of our different ministries.  Let’s respond to God’s love through our faithful and generous offering: PGCmarkham.org/offering-en/

Welcome your opinions and suggestions that help us improve further on Sunday Service, Sunday School and different ministries.  Drop them into our PGC Drop Box (for Offering & Opinions Collection) at PCA Big Gym.  Our pastoral staff and church leaders will review and follow up where appropriate.  Look forward to hearing from you.