“Let the Children {Praise}” ( 2024-08-18 )

講員 Speaker: Pastor Iain Davis, English Sermons 系列 series


Please feel free to download the bulletin PDF or use another cell phone to read the sermon outline, news and prayer items.

“Let the Children {Praise}”



Sermon Notes:

  • Children were restricted from entering the temple, but recognize Jesus when the spiritual leaders could not
  • Children are used by God to reveal his glory, and silence his enemies
  • Worship in the Kingdom of God is intergenerational


News & Events:

  • Congratulations to Pastor Andy and Jenny! Their 2nd baby Zoe Eden TSE was born on 8/12 (last Mon) .  Praise God both mom and baby are going well.  May God bless baby Zoe to grow up healthily and continue to bless their family!  Pastor Andy has taken 2 weeks off and back on 8/26.  Please contact Pastor Iain or other EMC members for matters relating to the English ministry.
  • Topical Q&A and Gr 6-8 Sunday School will take place today 11:15-12:30. Please join where appropriate.
  • PGC Cantonese Men’s Conference will take place on 9/21 (Sat) 9am-3pm at the Meadows of Aurora (440 William Graham Dr) with Dr Clemen Yeung (楊世禮醫生) as the guest speaker. The fee will be $25 including refreshments and lunch.  Please contact Bethel Zone Supervisor Tommy Tsui (Tel: 647-285-2000) for enquiries.  Online registration: https://forms.gle/myssvR8WF38sWVYB8
  • Thank God for moving brothers and sisters with love. Through Compassion Canada, PGC supports more than 30 children in the Dominican Republic (DR). We have planned a “Compassion Experience Tour” from Oct/8-15, where participants can enjoy travelling and also learn about Compassion DR’s works and visit the children we sponsor. The registration deadline is Sep/1. Interested participants can contact Rev. Ken Lee (416-919-0033, KenLee@rogers.com).
  • TCCPA will host an online Parenting Workshop through Zoom in English about “Transformed through the Transition” on 8/22 (Tue) 8-10pm. Pastor Samuel Hong, the speaker, will share with parents how to better understand and build a stronger relationship with their teens/youths esp. those going into university/college.  Workshop in Cantonese with a different speaker is available on 8/24 (Thurs).  Please click the link for details and registration: https://tccpa.org/


Prayer & Praise Items:

** Encourage use of PGC’s Prayer Card and be quiet, humble, turn back, seek and wait for God together (https://peoplesgospelchurch.org/files/2023prayercard.pdf) **

  • Pray for God’s sovereignty and mercy over the world now in political instability.
  • Pray for the 16 brothers and sisters got baptized last week.         May God continue to strengthen their faith to follow Jesus Christ.
  • Praise God for the successful completion of summer camp this year. May God establish godly friendships among the youth team for His glory.
  • Pray for Annie Cmo’s MCF mission trip with other 38 members to Kenya on 8/17-31. May God keep them safe, healthy, united, and the gospel be spread among local non-believers.



Bring the whole tithe into the storehouse, that there may be food in my house. Test me in this,” says the Lord Almighty, “and see if I will not throw open the floodgates of heaven and pour out so much blessing that there will not be room enough to store it.”

- Malachi 3:10 (NIV)

PGC needs sufficient capital every year for development of church ministries. Encourage b/s to make financial offering based on bible's teaching  & God's provision.