Baptism Worship Service ( 2024-08-11 )

講員 Speaker: 譚品立牧師 | Rev. Jim Tam, English Sermons 系列 series


Please feel free to download the bulletin PDF or use another cell phone to read the sermon outline, news and prayer items.

Chairman: Rev Ken Lee & Pastor Iain Davis
Speaker: Rev Jim Tam
Interpreter: Alec Cheng

* * * * * * * * * * * PROGRAM * * * * * * * * * * *

  • Welcome & Opening Prayer
  • Praise & Worship
  • Sermon - The Blessed Promises of Jesus Christ
  • Testimony Sharing
  • Baptism Certificate Presentation & Photo
  • Response Song
  • PGC Membership Certificate Presentation & Photo
  • Doxology, Benediction & Closing Prayer
  • Baptism Announcement
  • Outdoor Baptism Ceremony


News & Events:

Today Is a joyful day to join together and celebrate 2024 PGC Baptism . Thanks for joining us to witness how lives are changed, their hopes are renewed, and love is re-found!

A total of 16 members to be baptized this year. May God’s blessing be with them.

Pray God to strengthen their faith :

Cantonese Congregation:

  • So Fung NGAN 顏素鳳
  • Franklin LYNN 林國光
  • Wing YEUNG 楊思穎
  • Kenny NG 吳民漢
  • Jeannie YAN 顏靜賢
  • Moon Kwong PO 蒲滿廣
  • Eric LAW 羅永耀

English Congregation:

  • Karina CHAN
  • Stefania CHENG
  • Ehvena LAM 林慧恩
  • Alissa LEE 李鎧浠
  • Rebecca CHAN 陳思琦
  • Koen CHEUNG 張一峰
  • Aidan SIU 蕭逸
  • Carstan LEE
  • Ugochukwu EZEAGU


Welcome to click below link to view 2024 Baptism testimonies booklet:


Today, we also present PGC Membership Certificates to our new members:

  • William AU 區偉倫 & Karen CHAN 陳嘉琳 ;
  • Ching Yee Jenny HO 何靜怡 ;
  • Chun Sing Samuel LI 李俊昇.

Prayer & Praise Items:

** Encourage use of PGC’s Prayer Card and be quiet, humble, turn back, seek and wait for God together ( **

  • May God strengthen all candidates’ hearts and faith in following the Lord.
  • Praise God for completion of the Summer camp. May God bless the youth to follow Him and be great supporting spiritual friends to each other.
  • Pray for Annie Cmo’s MCF mission trip with other 39 members to Kenya on 8/17-31. May God keep them safe, healthy, united, spread the gospel among non-believers.



Bring the whole tithe into the storehouse, that there may be food in my house. Test me in this,” says the Lord Almighty, “and see if I will not throw open the floodgates of heaven and pour out so much blessing that there will not be room enough to store it.”

- Malachi 3:10 (NIV)

PGC needs sufficient capital every year for development of church ministries. Encourage b/s to make financial offering based on bible's teaching  & God's provision.