“Paul and Israel” ( 2024-07-21 )

講員 Speaker: Pastor Iain Davis, English Sermons 系列 series


Please feel free to download the bulletin PDF or use another cell phone to read the sermon outline, news and prayer items.

“Paul and Israel”


Sermon outline:


  • Paul cares deeply for his people, we should too!




  • Israel has 8 privileges, not afforded to the gentiles




  • Paul affirms the deity of Christ, an essential message to our Jewish brothers and sisters.




News & Events:

  • 2024 Joint PGC Baptism Sunday will take place 10:-00—12:30 on 8/11 at the Big Gym, followed by immersion ceremony outdoor.  There will be a celebrative lunch after.  Welcome to invite family and friends to join, to share, to witness, and to glorify our God together.
  • Worship Matters will have the last class today 11:15-12:30 at Cafetorium. Gr 6-8 Sunday School will be at Rm308.  Please join where appropriate.
  • CrossRoads will have a special summer hangout this Friday (7/26) 7:30-9:00pm at Berczy Park North (447 The Bridal Walk). New Gr 6 teens are welcome to join and meet with other members.
  • There will be an English Young Adult Summer BBQ/Potluck held on 7/28 (coming Sun) 1pm at Roymond & Sabrena’s place. Welcome post-secondary and young adults to join.  Due to limited spots, please sign up with Tiffany asap.
  • Ambassador for Christ in Canada (AFC) Frosh Connexion will take place on 8/13 (Tue) 5-9pm at North York Chinese Baptist Church (685 Sheppard Ave E, North York). Gr12 graduates going to post-secondary are strongly recommended to join and meet their respective fellowships there.  Registration deadline for dinner option will be on 8/1, and it will be free for frosh.  Please find details here:
    https://www.afccanada.org/fx or contact Cynthia for enquiries.
  • Thank God for moving brothers and sisters with love. Through Compassion Canada, PGC supports more than 30 children in the Dominican Republic (DR). We have planned a “Compassion Experience Tour” from Oct/8-15, where participants can enjoy travelling and also learn about Compassion DR’s works and visit the children we sponsor. The cost, including airfare and accommodation, is approximately CAD$1,200/person. The registration deadline is Sep/1.  Interested participants can contact Rev. Ken Lee (416-919-0033, KenLee@rogers.com).
  • Praise the LORD for His great blessing to summer camp which has started from the past week. We thank all brothers and sisters who had amazingly volunteer in site support, interviewing the team, organizing lunches and snacks for youth team, donating supplies & food cost, plus lending various materials for us.   Please prayerfully lift the 26 youth team and all the lovely children campers for the upcoming weeks. May the gospel take root and blossom in our next generation and may godly friendships be established for God's glory.


Prayer & Praise Items:

** Encourage use of PGC’s Prayer Card and be quiet, humble, turn back, seek and wait for God together (https://peoplesgospelchurch.org/files/2023prayercard.pdf) **

  • Pray for God’s sovereignty and mercy over the world now in political instability.
  • Pray for baptism on 8/11. May God strengthen all candidates’ hearts and faith.  Pray for the interviews and all organizing tasks.  May the ceremony and all testimonies glorify God’s name.
  • Pray for summer camp in progress on these few weeks. May God bless great bonding & spiritual growth for all youths and a loving & joyful camp for all kids.
  • Pray for Annie Cmo’s MCF mission trip with other 38 members to Kenya on 8/17-31. May God keep them safe, healthy, united, and the gospel be spread among local non-believers.



Bring the whole tithe into the storehouse, that there may be food in my house. Test me in this,” says the Lord Almighty, “and see if I will not throw open the floodgates of heaven and pour out so much blessing that there will not be room enough to store it.”

- Malachi 3:10 (NIV)

PGC needs sufficient capital every year for development of church ministries. Encourage b/s to make financial offering based on bible's teaching  & God's provision.