“Strengthen our friendships in Christ” ( 2024-07-07 )

講員 Speaker: Rev. Matthew Chiu, English Sermons 系列 series


Please feel free to download the bulletin PDF or use another cell phone to read the sermon outline, news and prayer items.

“Strengthen our friendships in Christ”


Sermon outline:


Law of Friendship:

  1. Invest your time
  2. Build trust
  3. Listen attentively
  4. Seek God with your spiritual friends
  5. Resolve disputes and strengthen unity
  6. Be hospitable and share with others


News & Events:


  • English’s Worship Matters 6-week Sunday School will continue for 3 more weeks from today 11:15-12:30 at Cafetorium. Mandatory for those serving in music but opens for everyone interested.  Baptismal class will take place at the same time at Rm304, with Gr 6-8 Sunday School at Rm308.  Please join where appropriate.
  • English will hold a Baby Shower for Pastor Andy & Jenny in upcoming Fellowship Lunch on 7/14 11:15—12:30 at PCA Cafetorium. Dessert will be arranged.  Please reserve the date, feel free to bring your own food and join together.  Worship Matters will take place at Cafetorium after the Lunch.
  • 2024 Baptism t-shirts are available for purchase. Welcome non-baptism candidates to place order as well.  Order placing will close this Sunday (7/7) : https://forms.gle/Cb72exVs3BDPshbB8.  Please make your payment in cash today at the booth to be set up 10:45-11:15 at PCA Cafetorium or contact Pastor Andy if you have any enquiries.
  • PGC invite you to join Serving Our Next Generation. If you’re interested to serve in children and/or youth ministries, or to receive their respective weekly email to know more about their activities to pray for them, please sign up for our follow up actions: https://forms.gle/6rnrY6ctjCoAgVJr6
  • Executive Board has approved 2 applicants from IGC Zone to become PGC Members. If you disagree, please submit written disconsent to Deacon Cecil Mar of Membership Committee by today (7/7).  They are: William Au (區偉倫) and Karen Chan (陳嘉琳).
  • Thank God for moving brothers and sisters with love. Through Compassion Canada, PGC supports more than 30 children in the Dominican Republic (DR). We have planned a “Compassion Experience Tour” from Oct/8-15, where participants can not only enjoy travelling but also learn about Compassion DR’s works and visit the children we sponsor. The cost, including airfare and accommodation, is approximately CAD$1,200/person. Interested participants can contact Rev. Ken Lee.


Prayer & Praise Items:

** Encourage use of PGC’s Prayer Card and be quiet, humble, turn back, seek and wait for God together (https://peoplesgospelchurch.org/files/2023prayercard.pdf) **

  • Pray for God’s sovereignty and mercy over the world now in political instability.
  • Pray for baptism this year that brothers and sisters yet to get baptised will take the chance to witness God’s change of their life and glorify His name.
  • Pray for summer camp youth team starting training next 2 weeks. Pray for their joyful hearts and spiritual growth in Christ, as well as all preparation works.
  • Pray for Annie Cmo’s MCF mission trip with other 38 members to Kenya on 8/17-31. May God keep them safe, healthy, united, and the gospel be spread among local non-believers.



Bring the whole tithe into the storehouse, that there may be food in my house. Test me in this,” says the Lord Almighty, “and see if I will not throw open the floodgates of heaven and pour out so much blessing that there will not be room enough to store it.”

- Malachi 3:10 (NIV)

PGC needs sufficient capital every year for development of church ministries. Encourage b/s to make financial offering based on bible's teaching  & God's provision.