“No Condemnation” ( 2024-05-26 )

講員 Speaker: Pastor Pete Nojd, English Sermons 系列 series


Please feel free to download the bulletin PDF or use another cell phone to read the sermon outline, news and prayer items.

“No Condemnation”



Sermon Notes:


  1. We must be honest with ourselves before God if we are to accept the Gospel




  1. We must allow God to be God and humbly accept His good news as He has given it




  1. We now live by the Spirit as ambassadors to a broken world


Discussion Questions: 

  1. Can you identify with Paul's "inner war" in Romans 7?
  2. Do you struggle to accept God's mercy and forgiveness?
  3. How can I (self) and our church express this good news to our neighbors?



News & Events:

  • Both PGC Membership Meeting and Joint Graduation Sunday Service will take place on 6/23. Due to special arrangements on that day, Cantonese Sunday School, English Prayer Meeting, Nursery and PGCKIDS Ministries will be suspended for a week.  Please see more details below:

(a) PGC Membership Meeting (09:30-10:45) @PCA Small Gym
All PGC members are requested to join the meeting, and non-members are welcome as well to know about development of different church ministries and be aware of our church’s needs and various serving opportunities.  Meeting agenda will be emailed to PGC members next week.  Please reserve time to attend, pray for the meeting agenda and seek God’s guidance together.

(b) PGC Joint Graduation Sunday Service (11:15-12:30) @ PCA Big Gym    

We shall worship God and celebrate the graduation of SK, Gr8, Gr12 & College/University students.  Parents and relatives of graduates are welcome to join.

  • We're thankful to have Pansy Kwan (Community Project Director), Edison Lim & Cynthia Shea (Youth Development Coordinators) started to serve from May 21-Aug 16th this year as summer interns. They will first be trained and serve in English ministry, and then will be leading summer youth camp team in summer camp ministries.  Please pray for them and support them as they serve with a joyful heart and pray for their spiritual growth in Christ.


  • English will launch a 6-week Sunday School about Worship Matters. It is mandatory for those serving in music but opens for everyone interested.  No sign-up required.
    It will take place on the first 3 weeks of June and July with schedule as below:

    Jun/2 11:15—12:30
    Jun/9 12:30—14:30
    Jun/16 11:15—12:30
    Jul/7 11:15—12:30
    Jul/14 12:30—14:30
    Jul/21 11:15—12:30


  • Launch into Teen Yearswill be held on Sep/27-29. The curriculum will help parents walk with their teens (Gr 5-8) and prepare them to thrive a successful adolescence.  Parents can find out more by attending the Parents’ Info Night on Jun/7 (Fri) 7:30-9pm at PCA.  Please contact Pastor Andy/Pastor Connie for enquiries or RSVP through this link: https://forms.gle/59YqhuWstuhoWmzGA.


  • PGC Women’s Retreat with the theme of “Draw Close to God” (in English) will take place on Jul/6, 9am-4pm at the Meadows of Aurora (440 William Graham Drive). With Pastor Gloria Luk as the guest speaker, this one-day retreat hopes
    to gather women together, encourage one another to grow and be revived in the Lord.  Please register before Jun/22 (https://forms.gle/aQ8n4AHy9QxRcyWH9)
    and pay the cost of $25 (incl. light breakfast & lunch) by cash/cheque to Diana.


  • 2024 PGC Baptism is scheduled on 8/11 . Invite you to apply for baptism, if you have already accepted Jesus Christ as savior.  Deadline of baptism application will be on 6/30: https://peoplesgospelchurch.org/baptism/.  Please contact your Cell leaders or Pastors for enquiries.  Let’s also pray for and encourage the potential candidates.


Prayer & Praise Items:

** Encourage use of PGC’s Prayer Card and be quiet, humble, turn back, seek and wait for God together (https://peoplesgospelchurch.org/files/2023prayercard.pdf) **

  • Pray for God’s sovereignty and mercy over the world now with global political
    instability, and many places suffering from armed conflicts and natural disasters.
  • Pray for baptism this year that brothers and sisters yet to get baptised will take the chance to witness God’s change of their life and glorify His name.
  • Pray for the 3 summer interns to serve with a joyful heart and have spiritual growth in Christ. Pray for all organization works of the summer camp.
  • Pray for PGC’s supporting missionaries and their families who are serving faithfully to extend God’s Kingdom in their respective missionary fields under this era of instability.



Bring the whole tithe into the storehouse, that there may be food in my house. Test me in this,” says the Lord Almighty, “and see if I will not throw open the floodgates of heaven and pour out so much blessing that there will not be room enough to store it.”

- Malachi 3:10 (NIV)

PGC needs sufficient capital every year for development of church ministries. Encourage b/s to make financial offering based on bible's teaching  & God's provision.