“Joy in Christ” ( 2023-12-17 )
講員 Speaker: Pastor Iain Davis, English Sermons 系列 series
Please feel free to download the bulletin PDF or use another cell phone to read the sermon outline, news and prayer items.
“Joy in Christ”
SCRIPTURES : Isaiah 61:1-11
Sermon Notes:
- We have Joy at Christmas because we have good news to share.
- We rejoice in our salvation, in God’s everlasting covenant with us, in our freedom!.
- Isaiah’s prophecy is fulfilled In the life of Jesus Christ
News & Events:
- “Meet our King of Glory” PGC Joint Christmas Worship will take place 10:30—12:30 at PCA Big Gym. Welcome to invite families & friends to celebrate and meet our King of Glory together. Due to special Sunday schedule, Cantonese Sunday School, English/Bridge Sunday Service, English Prayer Meeting, Nursery & PGCKIDS Ministries will be suspended for a week.
- English Cell will meet up today 11:15-12:30 at PCA Cafetorium. If you are interested but yet to sign up, please contact Pastor Iain for enquiry.
- English Topical Q & A today 11:15-12:30 at PCA Rm307 will continue on the topic “What will Heaven be like?” Encourage congregants to join and share in discussions.
- English Retreat will take place on Feb 16-18, 2024 at Camp Shalom (1985 Beke Rd, Cambridge). All English congregants in Gr 6 and above are welcome to join with 2 options: $160 (2-night stay with meals) and $40 (day visit on 2/17 with lunch). Please find more details and register here: https://forms.gle/4uzQgSeXBAtnsJ1G8.
- PGC appreciate your feedbacks on different parts of Sunday Service for areas of improvement to better plan for next year. Pleases complete the online survey by 12/18 (tomorrow) : https://forms.gle/t2hg6QkK7tq3LgmN7.
- In the Dominican Republic (DR), most dwelling are constructed from tejamanil (a mixture of soil and manure) or have been patched together using pieces of wood and empty oil drums. As many homes are inadequate for human health and well-being, children suffer from chronic respiratory illnesses and are highly vulnerable to hygiene-related illnesses. Four of Compassion’s frontline church partners in DR have identified 18 children, a total of 15 homes, need immediate aid to provide them with safe shelters essential to their holistic development. Please remember the poor along with generous donation to improve their living standard. Visit compassion.ca/shop/civ1246/ for project details and donation.
- Christmas is coming, Let’s remember many missionaries away from homes but serving faithfully overseas for God. We encourage cell groups to prepare cards or gifts to share our care and support to them.
- At this time of year end, let’s respond to God by making offerings to provide for PGC’s financial needs to achieve a better balanced budget for this financial year. Please choose any one below that suits you best: (a) PAD Automatic Deposit (b) Online Offering (c) Cash/Cheque Offering. Cut-off date for 2023 tax receipt will be on Dec/31. For more details: PGCmarkham.org/pgc-offering
Prayer & Praise Items
** Encourage use of PGC’s Prayer Card and be quiet, humble, turn back, seek and wait for God together (https://peoplesgospelchurch.org/files/2023prayercard.pdf) **
- Pray for the world now with many places suffering from political instability, armed conflicts and natural disasters. May God reveal His sovereignty, and save the sufferings with His mercy.
- Pray for PGC’s land to be developed in God’s time & according to His plan.
- Pray for PGC’s missionaries, as well as different missionary fields all over the world. May the gospel be widespread.