Active filter: Series: Bridge English Service G6-8 (x) , Date: 2023 (x), October (x)

講道數目 Sermons Count (5)

Ordination Service: “Disciple-making”
(Bridge English Service G6-8 系列 series).
講員 Speaker: 蕭智雄牧師 | Rev. C.H. Siu, 日期 Date: 2023-10-29 (Bridge English Service G6-8).
“How to be God's Enemy”
(Bridge English Service G6-8 系列 series).
講員 Speaker: Pastor Andy Tse, 日期 Date: 2023-10-22 (Bridge English Service G6-8).
“False Teachers are Fools”
(Bridge English Service G6-8 系列 series).
講員 Speaker: Pastor Andy Tse, 日期 Date: 2023-10-15 (Bridge English Service G6-8).
“Preserving the Faith”
(Bridge English Service G6-8 系列 series).
講員 Speaker: Pastor Andy Tse, 日期 Date: 2023-10-08 (Bridge English Service G6-8).
"Our Fallen Nature"
(Bridge English Service G6-8 系列 series).
講員 Speaker: Pastor Iain Davis, 日期 Date: 2023-10-01 (Bridge English Service G6-8).
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