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Psalm 124 (ESV)

Our Help Is in the Name of the Lord

A Song of Ascents. Of David.

If it had not been the Lord who was on our side—
let Israel now say—
if it had not been the Lord who was on our side
when people rose up against us,
then they would have swallowed us up alive,
when their anger was kindled against us;
then the flood would have swept us away,
the torrent would have gone over us;
then over us would have gone
the raging waters.

Blessed be the Lord,
who has not given us
as prey to their teeth!
We have escaped like a bird
from the snare of the fowlers;
the snare is broken,
and we have escaped!

Our help is in the name of the Lord,
who made heaven and earth.



  1. David voiced praise to God for not allowing the pagan nations that surrounded Israel to defeat and assimilate God’s people. It’s only because God was on Israel’s side that they had survived. So, all Israel praised the maker of heaven and earth, who has proven to be His people’s help.
  2. No one can fight evil alone. It is God who “was on our side” fighting for us. God has said, “I will never leave you nor forsake you.” (Hebrew 13:5) Jesus told His disciples, “I am with you always, to the end of the age.” (Matt 28:20)
  3. What external or internal enemy is God saving you from? Come before His mercy throne, for we know where we can have sure help.



Stay with God for a little longer.  Continue to converse with God and listen to what He wants to tell you.  Then write down any thought and/or prayer in your spiritual journal.



Our Help Is In the Name of the Lord –