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Proverbs 6 (ESV)

6 Go to the ant, O sluggard;
consider her ways, and be wise.
Without having any chief,
officer, or ruler,
she prepares her bread in summer
and gathers her food in harvest.
How long will you lie there, O sluggard?
When will you arise from your sleep?
10 A little sleep, a little slumber,
a little folding of the hands to rest,
11 and poverty will come upon you like a robber,
and want like an armed man.



This passage uses the diligence of ants as a metaphor—admonishing us to work diligently and not to lose the blessings given by God due to laziness and sleepiness. This is not to say that we cannot rest. In fact, God gave the Jews a Sabbath to let them rest quietly in God one day a week, so that both the body and the soul can regain strength. We often make the mistake of not working hard when we should work, and not taking a good rest when we should rest. This leads to physical and mental fatigue and delays many things that should be done earlier. Please think about whether you often delay things because of laziness? Do you have some important plans that often fail due to delays and poor time management? If so, hope you can draw strength from this passage and become a diligent person from now on, because God’s will is that you are diligent every day and never slack in your life, so you will receive many rewards from God.



Ask God to give you the strength to free you from laziness and procrastination. Ask God to give you wisdom to manage your time efficiently, organize your work in all aspects in an orderly manner, and maintain a good balance between work and family life. Ask God to give you a heart to rely on Him, and practice diligently every day in the pursuit of faith and spiritual development, and not to lose the blessings God has given you.




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