Read chapter in full:


Amos 2 (ESV)

“Yet it was I who destroyed the Amorite before them,
whose height was like the height of the cedars
and who was as strong as the oaks;
I destroyed his fruit above
and his roots beneath.
10 Also it was I who brought you up out of the land of Egypt
and led you forty years in the wilderness,
to possess the land of the Amorite.
11 And I raised up some of your sons for prophets,
and some of your young men for Nazirites.
Is it not indeed so, O people of Israel?”
declares the Lord.

12 “But you made the Nazirites drink wine,
and commanded the prophets,
saying, ‘You shall not prophesy.’

13 “Behold, I will press you down in your place,
as a cart full of sheaves presses down.
14 Flight shall perish from the swift,
and the strong shall not retain his strength,
nor shall the mighty save his life;
15 he who handles the bow shall not stand,
and he who is swift of foot shall not save himself,
nor shall he who rides the horse save his life;
16 and he who is stout of heart among the mighty
shall flee away naked in that day,”
declares the Lord.



  • The prophet Amos is familiar with the history of the Israelites. Through historical accounts, the ungratefulness of the Israelites cannot be excused. And all these things that happened in their lives fully reflected their contempt for God. From the quotation of the Nazirites (see Numbers 6), we can see the fact that the Israelites did evil; the act of commanding the prophets not to prophesy just shows their pride, and even the enmity of God (12). May we not just “laugh” about these things, or just say “Oh! Why do they do this?” and let it go. We should treat it as a reflection of our faith and review of our own lives.
  • Punishment for sins shows God’s disposition of righteousness. The “swift,” “strong,” “mighty,” “who handles the bow,” “who is swift of foot,” and “who rides the horse” are all unable to save themselves, because when God’s punishment comes, no one can be immune from the retribution of sin (13-15). Although God’s chosen people enjoy God’s exceptional grace, they do not fear and follow God, so that they have to bear the consequences of their sins. Although God reminded them time and time again, hoping for them to return, it is a pity that they insisted on going their own way. In the same way, everything God has done to us reminds us to live for Him.
  • Heroes in movies are often fearless. Today, many people shape themselves a strong and unyielding image. However, God was not moved by this superficial bravery. He said that when judgment comes, even the bravest will flee away naked (16). Do you know some people who think they can live this life without God? Don’t be influenced by their confident words. We must know that God is not afraid of anyone, and that one day all mankind will fear Him.



Lord, please give me a keen spirit, make me sensitive to sin, and avoid the sins of the Israelites and not to fall into the terrible punishment of God.



Guard Your Heart –