Scroll down for English Instructions


Android系統手機/平版電腦(Samsung/LG/HTC/Moto, Etc.)裝置「聽主話」圖示的說明:

  1. 點擊#2的網址或 Chrome (瀏覽器) 圖示 (icon)
  2. 進入 網址
  3. 在屏幕上方點擊選項 圖示
  4. 滑動彈出窗口直至找到并點擊Add to Home Screen (添加到主屏幕)」選項
  5. 點擊Add (添加)」鍵
  6. 你的萬民福音堂「聽主話」讀經靈修   圖示添加到主屏幕!




  1. 點擊#2的網址或 Safari (瀏覽器) 圖示
  2. 進入 網址
  3. 在屏幕上或下方點擊Share (分享) 圖示
  4. 把最下方的工具列左或右滑動直至找到「Add to Home Screen (添加到主屏幕) 圖示
  5. 點擊屏幕右上方的「Add (添加)」鍵
  6. 你的萬民福音堂「聽主話」讀經靈修  圖示添加到主屏幕!




  1. 點擊#2的網址或「瀏覽器」圖示
  2. 進入 網址
  3. 在屏幕下方輕觸 圖示
  4. 選擇「添加書簽圖示
  5. 選擇「主頁」及「桌面」的方格
  6. 點擊 圖示
  7. 你的萬民福音堂「聽主話」讀經靈修  圖示已添加到主頁!


English Instructions

Instructions to add Mobile “Listening to God” icon to your Homescreen on Android Mobile Phones/Tablets (Samsung/LG/HTC/Moto, Etc.)

  1. Open Chrome (web browser)
  2. Go to the website
  3. At the top right of your screen, tap the Options Icon
  4. Scroll down the popup window and find the「Add to Home Screen」option
  5. Tap theAdd」button
  6. Your Peoples Gospel Church “Listening to God” Devotion  icon will be added to your Homescreen!


Instructions to add Mobile “Listening to God” icon to your  Homescreen on Apple iPhone/iPad devices

  1. Open Safari
  2. Go to the website
  3. Tap the「Share icon
  4. Swipe the Share bar and find the  Add to Home Screen icon and tap on it
  5. Tap the Add 」at the top
  6. Your Peoples Gospel Church “Listening to God” Devotion   icon will be added to your Homescreen!