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Deuteronomy 33 (ESV)

Moses’ Final Blessing on Israel

1 This is the blessing with which Moses the man of God blessed the people of Israel before his death. 2 He said,
“The Lord came from Sinai
and dawned from Seir upon us;
he shone forth from Mount Paran;
he came from the ten thousands of holy ones,
with flaming fire at his right hand.
3 Yes, he loved his people,
all his holy ones were in his hand;
so they followed in your steps,
receiving direction from you,
4 when Moses commanded us a law,
as a possession for the assembly of Jacob.
5 Thus the Lord became king in Jeshurun,
when the heads of the people were gathered,
all the tribes of Israel together.

6 “Let Reuben live, and not die,
but let his men be few.”

7 And this he said of Judah:
“Hear, O Lord, the voice of Judah,
and bring him in to his people.
With your hands contend for him,
and be a help against his adversaries.”

8 And of Levi he said,
“Give to Levi your Thummim,
and your Urim to your godly one,
whom you tested at Massah,
with whom you quarreled at the waters of Meribah;
9 who said of his father and mother,
‘I regard them not’;
he disowned his brothers
and ignored his children.
For they observed your word
and kept your covenant.
10 They shall teach Jacob your rules
and Israel your law;
they shall put incense before you
and whole burnt offerings on your altar.
11 Bless, O Lord, his substance,
and accept the work of his hands;
crush the loins of his adversaries,
of those who hate him, that they rise not again.”



  • The blessings of Moses in this chapter contain prayer, predictions, praise, and commands.
  • Reuben a prayer for survival; Judah a prediction of victory; Levi a prayer for blessing, a call to faithfulness; Benjamin a promise of safety; Ephraim a promise of preeminence; Manasseh a prediction of strength; Zebulun and Issachar a prediction of wealth; Gad a promise of land; Dan a prediction of energy; Napthali a promise of blessing; Asher a prayer for strength and security.
  • The blessings show that God desires the very best for His people. But we need to remember that it is what is the very best in His eyes and not our own eyes; and the most important gift God can give is already ours – Himself.  As Moses said, “the Eternal God is your refuge, and underneath are the everlasting arms.”
  • In what sense am I blessed as a child of God? What are some of my blessings?
  • Who would I like to bless? Why?  With what?



Father in heaven, You are a God of great grace and love, always watching over Your children. You delight in giving us the best and granting us eternal joy and life. However, our rebellion, foolishness, and greed often blind our eyes and keep us from knowing what is truly best for us. We often pray for this or that, but according to our own desires and not according to Your will. Father in heaven, I want to follow the example of King Solomon and pray to You, not for wealth, fame, or achievement, but for a greater measure of heavenly wisdom, that I may discern what is truly best for me. I ask that You would help me to experience Your presence more deeply every day, not only in my mind but also in my life. Help me to experience Your greatest blessing, which is that You have given us Your only Son, so that whoever believes in Him should not perish but have eternal life. I pray that I may be like a branch connected to the vine of Christ, receiving spiritual nourishment every day, so that my life may grow continuously. May Your truth and revelation always shine on my path, so that I may run swiftly without stumbling, like a deer or a gazelle. Amen!



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