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Jeremiah 35 (ESV)

12 Then the word of the Lord came to Jeremiah: 13 “Thus says the Lord of hosts, the God of Israel: Go and say to the people of Judah and the inhabitants of Jerusalem, Will you not receive instruction and listen to my words? declares the Lord. 14 The command that Jonadab the son of Rechab gave to his sons, to drink no wine, has been kept, and they drink none to this day, for they have obeyed their father’s command. I have spoken to you persistently, but you have not listened to me. 15 I have sent to you all my servants the prophets, sending them persistently, saying, ‘Turn now every one of you from his evil way, and amend your deeds, and do not go after other gods to serve them, and then you shall dwell in the land that I gave to you and your fathers.’ But you did not incline your ear or listen to me. 16 The sons of Jonadab the son of Rechab have kept the command that their father gave them, but this people has not obeyed me. 17 Therefore, thus says the Lord, the God of hosts, the God of Israel: Behold, I am bringing upon Judah and all the inhabitants of Jerusalem all the disaster that I have pronounced against them, because I have spoken to them and they have not listened, I have called to them and they have not answered.”

18 But to the house of the Rechabites Jeremiah said, “Thus says the Lord of hosts, the God of Israel: Because you have obeyed the command of Jonadab your father and kept all his precepts and done all that he commanded you, 19 therefore thus says the Lord of hosts, the God of Israel: Jonadab the son of Rechab shall never lack a man to stand before me.”



The rules of the Rechabites are somewhat similar to those of the Nazirites, who are those who make certain special vow to God (see Numbers Ch.6). For two hundred years, the Rechabites have abided by the legacy of their ancestors and never touched any alcohol. Although all Judah and the whole country had abandoned the covenant with God, these people still adhered to the covenant and did not waver. There is a sharp contrast between the Rechabites and the Israelites: the Rechabites can persist in the precepts of the leader who will make mistakes, but the Israelites have abandoned the covenant with the infallible God. Jonadab only once told them that drinking was not allowed, the Rechabites obeyed. God repeatedly ordered the Israelites to leave their sins, but they resisted and refused to obey Him. The regulations that the Rechabites obeyed were only of temporary significance, but they still stick to it, and the Israelites violate God’s eternal law. The Rechabites have kept the commandments for hundreds of years, but the Israelites have disobeyed God for hundreds of years; the Rechabites have been blessed, and the Israelites have caused misfortune. God hopes that the remaining people will be able to keep the covenant made with Him just as the Rechabites kept their father’s command. The same is true today. In the ever-changing world, some people think that adapting to change is the way to survive. However, God wants us to keep His word. In many cases, we will follow traditional customs. God’s word is based on His faithfulness, far superior than all traditional customs, and will never change. It contains a beautiful will for our life. Isn’t it more worthy of our observance and practice?



Pray for God to strengthen your heart so that you can hold on to the truth and unwaveringly in the changing world. Pray for wisdom and strength when your heavenly values conflict with the values of the world, especially when the conflict comes from your relatives, friends or traditional customs. Pray that God will enable you to stand firm and at the same time have the dexterity to resolve contradictions, and guide people to the truth of life.



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