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Jeremiah 10 (ESV)

There is none like you, O Lord;
you are great, and your name is great in might.
Who would not fear you, O King of the nations?
For this is your due;
for among all the wise ones of the nations
and in all their kingdoms
there is none like you.
They are both stupid and foolish;
the instruction of idols is but wood!
Beaten silver is brought from Tarshish,
and gold from Uphaz.
They are the work of the craftsman and of the hands of the goldsmith;
their clothing is violet and purple;
they are all the work of skilled men.
10 But the Lord is the true God;
he is the living God and the everlasting King.
At his wrath the earth quakes,
and the nations cannot endure his indignation.



Tarshish was located in the western part of the ancient world, probably in the area of ​​Spain today. This place produces minerals such as silver, tin, lead, and iron. The location of Uphaz is unknown. The name originally meant “refined gold”, which is a metallurgical term. Tarshish and Uphaz are both places that provide high-quality raw materials for people to make idols. Do idols really teach? More likely it is idol worshippers talking to themselves! These so-called teachings only express human desires and ambitions. Those who worship idols in ancient times are really ignorant, because idols, no matter how exquisite and beautiful they are made, are nothing more than lifeless pieces of gold, stone or wood. Similarly, in modern society, people who worship various invisible idols such as fame, fortune and power are also stupid. People spend their entire lives of time and energy chasing invisible idols. How is it different from those ancient people who spent a lot of money to decorate tangible idols, thinking that the more beautiful they are, the more capable they are? No matter how ingenious the tangible idols are made, and no matter how much worldly benefits the various intangible idols can bring to people, they will not endow people with an abundant life. A truly wise person receives blessings from the true and living God, and such blessings will last forever. May all of us be such wise people, relying on God throughout our lives, and gain the honour from heaven.



Pray for God to give you more, greater, and deeper wisdom, so that you can see through everything under the guidance of the Holy Spirit. Pray for God to make you understand that no matter how great the worldly benefit is, it will not bring you abundant life, or even prolong your life. Dedicate yourself to God, that from now on you will rely more on Him and receive eternal blessings from Him.



No Other Name –